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But against this background, D.B. Dondurei was able to distinguish the most, perhaps, the most important: "School is a sample of producer's creativity in all its components. ... The main thing in this project is an experiment with the accumulated, but not yet realized, feeling of long-resolved freedom with its borders, corridors, horizons and also with the latest, though not obvious, technologies for promoting modern virtual products. School probes the soil of impending or, rather, ripening content changes, not so much foreseeing how many are exploring here possible ideological twists and turns. The series diagnoses and fills the emptiness formed in recent years in the "picture of the world" that has settled on TV, shakes the habitual grid of the serial chewing gum and status (regardless of the outcome and claims) screenings. He touches on the problems and those realities of our life, which recently could not be touched. Or did it only seem to us? Who could have imagined that the sixteen-year-old heroine would curiously unwrap, feel the condom received from her mother as a gift twice a day at the main point of distributing the "meanings of life", under the supervision of grandmothers and junior students? This is a slap in the face of Russian public taste. To look at numerous murders, at dismemberment it is possible, and at a condom -you will go blind. Who could imagine that a bribe to the teacher, the seduction of a young teacher or teenage cooperation with pornographic sites will be imposed on the proscenium of a multimillion-dollar tele-forum? Is it decent to include such weekdays in the domestic series or only - and more abruptly - in the program Let them say or Maximum?" [Dondurei, 2010]. 2ff7e9595c